Yaklaşık altı ay önce, Dünya’da her yaştan çocuk için evde kalma kararları ve okulların kapatılması normal yaşamı alt üst etti. Okulların kapanmasıyla çocuklardaki akademik öğrenme kaybı...
The surprising increases come as some developed economies started to reopen, with gauges for manufacturing activities across the globe improving in June. Shipments of masks and...
Pandemi sürecinden en çok etkilenen sektör olan Özel Okullar Bakanlığın okullara planlı ve etkin bir şekilde rehberlik yapamadığını beliriyorlar. Bakanlığın plansızlığı yüzünden Veliler çocuklarını okula gönderme...
The transformation of the Finns’ education system began some 40 years ago as the key propellent of the country’s economic recovery plan. Educators had little idea...
An overall picture of the effects of exceptional circumstances on education The nationwide study examines how the COVID-19 situation has affected children’s education, the work of...
The University of Helsinki has made a decision on the criteria for certificate-based admission to the bachelor’s programmes included in the joint application procedure in 2023–2024....
With thousands of teacher-crafted learning activities that sync up with the school year, we empower parents and teachers so each child’s needs and potential can take...
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